Salad Gardening All Year Long: DIY Indoor Plant Shelf

Published on June 5, 2022

Having a vegetable garden of your own so you can make your own salad anytime you want is one of the best thing you can do to invest in yourself. However, not all of us are so lucky to live in a space where an outdoor garden is a possibility. That’s where building your own indoor garden comes into play, and it’s not as difficult as you might think it is.

Make Your Own Plant Shelf

Make Your Own Plant Shelf

Here is the best solution: having an indoor shelf to grow your plant babies and nurture them so you can cultivate your own salad ingredients year round. Having a wide variety of greens is a great way to stay healthy, as a diet consisting of varied veggies, especially greens, provides many nutrients that are vital for your health.So what kind of plants can you grow? Fresh greens are an excellent place to start.

Peter Burke, an expert indoor gardener suggests: “Plant the seeds, leave the trays in a dark cupboard for 4 days, then put the trays on a windowsill to grow until harvest. From start to finish you’ll be able to produce a significant amount of delicious salad greens in less than 10 days at a fraction of the cost of buying them at market. I like variety in my salads, so I tend to plant five trays of five different seeds: sunflower, radish, peas, buckwheat and broccoli. The combination makes a great tossed salad.”

Make Your Own Plant Shelves

Make Your Own Plant Shelves

To build the indoor shelf, you can stack together a bookshelf and bookcase to create a varied storage unit that has enough space to keep plenty of plant babies. Of course, it’s best to drill them together to avoid any precarious placement, and if you’re really handy, you can always build the whole thing from scratch.

You can also customize it however you wish. Leave the wood untouched, stain it to a different shade, or paint it to a fun color.

DIY Salad Green Shelves

DIY Salad Green Shelves