Perler beads are fusible beads that come together with a home iron and are super fun to put together. They come in a variety of colors so you can really create anything that your heart desires. These beads don’t have to just be used for crafts for kids, but you can make some functional art that looks great and is lots of fun to make. Here are some ideas!
Citrus Drink Covers
These drink covers are perfect to bring along to picnics in order to help prevent any yucky stuff from getting into drinks, and they also double as drink markets so guests can keep track of their own drinks. With the hole in the middle, you can fit a straw into them too.
Drink Coasters
While you’re making those drink covers, you might as well make matching coasters. You can continue with the citrus theme but you can also create more fruits like watermelon or anything else that suits your fancy.
Christmas Tree Ornaments
Here’s another great way to get creative and make your Christmas tree decorations personalized at the same time. Get as creative as you like and let your imagination run wild.
Make Your Own Bracelet
Using perler beads, needle and thread, and some string to weave together these adorable bracelets. You actually don’t even need to use any heat for this perler bead project. You can add on some charms or leave them as is.
Jar Art
This is probably one of the quickest perler bead projects out there. Simply fill up a jar with colorful beads in the pattern that you’d like and use it as you wish. You can use it as a vase for flowers or a decor item all of its own.
Add Monograms
Add some texture to a fabric pouch using perler beads. Trace the letter and then sew on the beads with embroidery thread. These make amazing gifts that are personal, homemade, and super simple to accomplish.